January 14, 2025

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Angel sightings have been reputed to come or appear in and around many world locations. In all shapes and sizes, an avalanche of sightings has been reported as “Spirits of Light, Fleet and Airy, or as Spirit Helpers in Flesh – Mysterious Strangers,” writes Michael H. Brown, in his book “The Trumpet of Gabriel.”

History has recorded visions, prophecies, predictions, and chastisements – received by men, women, and children. They have appeared with messages while arriving with swords, wings, and other weaponry. Many of them came as the early churches began to take form. The came when Rome was under siege. It’s been said Angel’s accompanied the “Black Death” in the social uprisings of Europe as well. Whether or not – if we do or do not heed their warnings or messages; major intervention and supernatural events have been recorded and witnessed while spiritual agitation and coming change is inevitable. Food for thought is the simple practice of spirituality in everyday life by everyday human beings. A tradeoff has occurred where spiritualistic disconcertion has swapped health and “Holy Spirituality” for materialism. Idolatry of money and selfishness come with a price.

A man from a Philadelphia suburb posted a message to a billboard in the Oxford Valley Mall area. The board, smiling face and all, smacked drivers and passengers alike, right in the eye with his message. The personal request for angelic intervention read: “Will You Be My Angel?” The outdoor billboard overlooking the area highway(s) is 20-by-60 feet in measurement. This Richboro fellow is advertising for a kidney donation. Folks in the donor program and support circles do not approve of his methods for angelic contact. “It’s a total disregard to all the people on waiting lists,” says the program president for the “Gift of Life” organization. I don’t think Mr. Smiley gets it – the most prevalent of angelic messages is that society must reform itself or face the consequences. The messages brought forth to humanity serve to forewarn people of all faiths and denominations, especially in this time of disease, evil, war, and economic upheavals with impending changes on the horizon.

The word “Angel” means, “Messenger.”

On December 10th, 2010, my Granddaughter, Gianni, cited a most soothing and heartwarming birthday wish – she cited this psalm for me – Luke: 2:10:11 “And the Angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born (this day) in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.”

The words of this five year old, was the highlight of my birthday. The quotation accompanied a hand drawn crayon and paper birthday wish. The gesture warmed my soul and touched my heart deeply. The fulfilling time spent with my wife and the gift from my granddaughter was the highlight and best of all birthday gifts. The angelic presentation brought me to think of angels. How many times have they made themselves present in your life…and mine? I think on many occasions.

One has to wonder…which are the good angels and which are the lying wonders? The false prophets that we were warned of – Matthew (24:11), “the beginning of sorrows” – one had to be particularly cautious, yes? Evil spirits have been known to masquerade as angels. World leaders have espoused prophecies in past and present. Angels could assume the appearance of a living person, taking whatever form they desire. They have whispered in our ears, or appeared in our dreams, or have given us a subtle taste of spiritual nourishment. But most often, its been said, angels remain in their invisible state. There is a movie in circulation. It’s titled “Legion.” The story puts “Michael” against “Gabriel” in opposition over the protection of man. In Jewish, Islamic, and Christian faiths, Michael is a field commander in the “Army of God.” He is also described as a protector and advocate of children. Gabriel is described as God’s Messenger. Archangels – Gabriel is known as the Chief of the four favored angels. Michael, Raphael, and Uriel are the other three, and the spirit of truth.

As Oracles of God, angels have been known to arrive and deliver divine and/or authoritative decisions and messages. They have also come to tell us when things are not well.

The Lord’s attempts to nudge us back to his embrace, is made very clear in this passage – Amos (4:7-8): “I also withheld rain from you, when there were still three months to the harvest. I made it rain on one city, I withheld rain from another city – one part was rained upon, and when it did not rain the part withered. So two of three cities wandered to another city to drink water. But they were not satisfied; yet you have not returned to me.”

Another warning to bring peace into the human heart reads – “One can stop wars, one can suspend the laws of nature, the tranquility of love and God.” A message to Christians: “Stop carping at each other, there is only one mediator between God and man…it is Jesus Christ; it’s up to God and only God to judge various religions…every person is equal before him – not in false praise, but from the heart.”

It was angels who warned about Sodom (and Gomorrah) and who gave John the book of ‘Revelation.’ While the appearance of angels have always been around, they’re appearances were without a doubt on the way to some sort of crescendo. We can protect ourselves by controlling our thoughts and actions. We should always remember the stark warning that was given in the scriptures regarding “false prophets showing great wonders and signs so as to deceive, if possible, even elect.”

Michael is really much higher in rank than what is commonly thought of as an “Archangel.” He is involved as prince of the angels and is the counterpart, the great nemesis and defeater, of Lucifer – (Revelations 12:7-8). In the book of “Enoch” he is called the guardian of the people and guardian of paradise. In Islamic writing, according to the prophet Daniel, “the Holy Spirit will stand up at the time of trouble.” Jews invoke, in both the New and Old Testament, Michael as the principal defender of the Synagogue – Daniel (12:1).

Today, more than ever, never was there more reason to refer to this passage – “Love your fellow man always – do not neglect to show hospitality, for by that means some have entertained angels without knowing it” – Hebrews (13:1-2). People don’t pay heed to many spiritual warnings where society is full of materialism and violence. Society has been given ample time to reform their corrupted ways. “The church once stood before the world as testimony against greed and materialism, against the love of things, against self-love, against hoarding and covetousness. But now, the world sees the church as its biggest competitor for the “good-life!” Wall Street vacuumed huge dollar amounts out of this credit-crazed economy. It is no sin to earn good money whereas for decades the American Economical System was designed to reward those who contributed to the overall public well being. “The system twisted itself to the point where thousands were making a killing on mergers that hurt mainstream Americans whose employers were stripped of cash by the Wall Street carnivores,” cites Brown of Pastor David Wilkerson at Times Square Church in New York City. Those who serve and worship created things rather than the creator himself – “man cannot serve both God and Mammon.”

It’s been said the Devil has an enormous army, and is leading his army to kill souls – but his army is not as great as God’s Army, which is under the orders of Michael the Archangel. The hour of Satan and his great power is the hour of darkness. Man must not glorify himself in place of God! “The Prince of Pride will and can be defeated by humility.”

“Television has become the perverse instrument of a daily bombardment with obscene images,” said Gobbi. “And has also grown into another abomination – desolation. The world has become a cold and barren desert immersed in the ice of hatred and in darkness of sin and impurity. What was once undercover is now coming into the open more and more.”

In concurrence with Father Stefano Gobbi who quotes, “The spiritual battle precedes the physical one – more than ever, Gabriel is at your side to give each one of you the very invincible strength of God, and Raphael is healing you of the numerous wounds which you often bring upon yourselves in the great struggle in which you are engaged.” Lucifer is losing strength – to maintain himself as repentant, but this is not true. Lucifer is cunning and clever. He is preparing a great deception for all of God’s creation, and especially for the people of God,” says Josyp Tereyla while quoting the ‘Virgin Mary’ in a dream he once had.

“Three evil spirits: false religion, politics, and commerce dominate many nations on Earth,” as expressed by the Ukrainian Activist Terelya. “The son of man will send out his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice lawlessness, and will cast them into the furnace of fire.” Matthew (13:41).

For every demon there are at least two angels. They are at our sides in every circumstance and will never abandon us no matter how situations seem. We will learn the key to heavens love of our Sisters and Brothers and most importantly – love of God! When all shall appear lost, all will be saved. When the Archangels, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and other Archangels descend – they will raise their horns and in the end it will be a different planet – it will once again be God’s planet and seen as his creation.

Revelation is not a seven-year realm; it is rather an eternal thing. Not the end of times but the end of an age where prophetic and apocalyptic happenings are occurring.

“A judgment is coming!”

Til next time.


Source by Gregory V. Boulware